Monday, April 19, 2010

As we enter into summer...

  Things are already shaping up to be a great summer for VLP. We have tons of art openings lined up, a fashion show, an opening night of a theatre group, weddings which we're really excited for, an engagment session, a food shoot and a fashion shoot! We still have some open dates so please contact us for any photography needs you have. I've been daydreaming about doing a fashion inspired bridal session!

   We are photographing some amazing looks  for the fabulous Blue Bird Denim on Saturday! The owner and lead designer, Anna Friss, is so great to work with. She's so creative and has such a clear vision for her brand. Its inspiring to be around her! Our shots will hopefully be featured in upcoming ads for Blue Bird Denim and as banners on her website which should launch at the end of this month. This is THE PLACE for custom made denim. I love love love that she decided to start and run her business out of St. Louis. We have some cool people in this city and its great to be able to help support another local business.

   Speaking of fashionable, local business owners; I had a meeting with the lovely Lindsay of MissOhioVintage fame (see her blog here and check out her Etsy store here). I met with her because I am setting up a private trunk show for my girlfriends and myself in May. Who doesn't want to drink some wine, munch on some apps and shop for some amazing vintage clothes, jewerly, accessories and housewares from the comfort of my living room? To all those brides and bridesmaids out there... if you're looking for something unusual and fun for your bachelorette party, you should definetly schedule your own trunk show! It was a pleasure meeting with her and I hope VLP and MOV can work together in the future. (P.S. All of you St. Louis girls, check out her calendar page here to keep abreast of places she'll be, cool things to do around town, etc.)

   Its so rewarding to work in an industry that supports and nurtures such creative people. Its definetly the best perk of the job. I love clothes, art and food and VLP gets to work with all three in the upcoming months! We are definetly lucky. If you know any awesome local businesses or blogs, please let us know! We would love to hear from you.

  Man o' man, that was a long post lovelies- thanks for holding on with me! My computer is down so no images on this post :-( I do have a BRAND NEW MACBOOK PRO coming to live with me this week so stay tuned for some images this weekend once I get to process them! Wish June and I luck on our Blue Bird Denim show. Kisses :-)


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